
R5 has A LOT of videos. I organized them into six categories.

1. R5 TV
-R5 TV is amazing. It’s sort of like behind-the-scenes mixed with home videos. If you haven’t watched them yet, you must! I even included the videos they deleted!

2. Music Videos
-Pretty self explanatory. There are music videos, lyric videos, pretty much any videos with them singing are in here.

3. Interviews
-I love these. R5 answering questions, letting you learn about them!

4. Fan videos
-Lots of the R5Family has made videos that have to do with R5. Some of them are incredible! Check them out here!

5. <a href=""Acting gigs
-Riker has Glee, Ross has Austin & Ally, and so on. These are for the things that R5 does that’s totally unrelated to the band. Still worth checking out.

6. Other
-Just in case I find any videos that fit “none of the above”

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